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Renovo Bioedil: project
Renovo Bioedil is starting the production of wood fiber insulation panels in 2021. The next step is the introduction of special panels containing cork granules, a product that Sardinia is famous for. The project as a standalone is already 0 waste and ecological, but connecting it with the neighboring biomass cogeneration plant will allow even more efficiency in sourcing local wood.
The project was backed by INVITALIA as a strategic and innovative investment. The line was supplied by IMAL-PAL GROUP, an Italian manufacturer of excellent equipment with over 40 years of history in the wood based panel industry.
This is the first such plant in Italy
The ZeroKm of Renovo Bioedil
100% of the raw material is sourced from Sardinia, which has a forest area of 1.2 million hectares. This makes it possible to analyse and control the wood products supply chain according to the circular bioeconomy approach, thus studying the flow of wood materials, the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the production process and quantifying the 4Rs of the circular economy (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Recover).
12 000
insulating panels per month
work places
We believe sustainable management of local forests (harvesting and replanting young trees) does more for climate protection than simply leaving natural forests untouched, as it is the young trees that bind CO2 again. Additionally, the production process of conventional building materials requires a lot of energy and thus emits CO2, while in the case of wood a lot less energy is required for production and the material itself stores large quantities of CO2. Improving the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings assigns a strategic role to construction sector in Italy, and natural and eco-efficient insulation materials like wood fiber make a significant contribution to this objective and the sustainability of improvements.
Thus, our products help achieve the targets set out in the Paris Agreement on Climate.